Maryland T-Bone Accident Attorney

T-Bone Car Accident

A T-bone accident — also known as a side-strike wreck, side-impact crash, or broadside collision — is one of the most devastating and potentially fatal types of collisions that can occur between two vehicles. Survivors of side-impact crashes often suffer severe injuries and face lengthy recovery periods, leading to substantial medical costs and forced time off work. 

Maryland law makes it challenging for car accident victims to recover compensation without a rock-solid case. If you suffered injuries in a broadside collision, a seasoned Maryland T-bone accident attorney at Cohen & Dwin, P.A. can help you seek compensation for your financial and personal losses. With us on your side, you can feel confident that your case is in good hands. Call us today at (410) 593-1590 or contact us online for a free consultation.

Why You Need Us After a Side-Impact Crash in Maryland

While the law does not require you to retain legal representation for side-impact accidents in Maryland, working with an experienced car accident attorney offers many benefits.

One of the most difficult aspects of filing a car accident claim is dealing with insurance adjusters. The at-fault party’s insurer may attempt to save money by shifting the blame onto you or using other tactics to minimize or deny your claim. Our attorneys have fought against insurance companies for Maryland accident victims since 1977. We know how to handle settlement negotiations in a way that protects your rights and maximizes your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve.

When you work with us, our team will build a solid case by identifying all liable parties, gathering evidence and witness statements, and filing a claim that stands up to the toughest challenges. We have excellent working relationships with accident reconstruction specialists and medical experts who can provide us with technical testimony as needed to support your case.

With over four decades of legal experience, our lawyers are familiar with the inner workings of the local courts. If we need to file a T-bone accident lawsuit, we understand how to handle your case most effectively and efficiently.

Common Causes of T-Bone Collisions in Maryland 

Side-impact accidents occur for many reasons in Maryland, but they nearly always come down to negligence on the part of the other driver. Some of the most common causes of broadside collisions include:

  • Failure to obey traffic signals
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Poor visibility
  • DUI
  • Reckless driving

Determining the reason for the crash is one of the most crucial steps toward proving why you deserve compensation for your injuries. A broadside collision lawyer in Maryland will collect evidence to build the most robust case possible.

Why Broadside Accidents Cause Severe Injuries

T-bone collisions often result in serious injuries due to the lack of protection most vehicles have on their sides. While the front and rear of a car have bumpers, crumple zones, and other safety features to absorb impact, the sides typically only have a thin door and window. This leaves vehicle occupants more vulnerable to injury.

Some of the most common injuries sustained in side-impact crashes include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) – The sudden impact of a T-bone wreck can cause the brain to strike the inside of the skull, leading to concussions, severe bleeding, and other life-threatening brain damage.
  • Spinal cord injuries – The extreme forces involved in a broadside collision can cause bruising or complete severing of the spinal cord, resulting in temporary or permanent paralysis.
  • Neck and back injuries – Whiplash, muscle strains, soft tissue damage, and herniated discs in the neck and back can cause chronic pain and limit mobility.
  • Broken bones – Arm, leg, pelvis, and rib fractures are common in T-bone accidents as occupants are slammed around the vehicle interior.

Where Do Most Broadside Accidents Occur?

T-bone accidents can happen anywhere but most frequently occur at intersections when: 

  • A driver tries to run a red light, striking a car that has already entered the intersection
  • A motorist turns left without an adequate gap in oncoming traffic
  • Two vehicles arrive at a four-way stop simultaneously, and one driver fails to yield the right-of-way

Rural roads can also be the scene of T-bone wrecks. For example, a driver might ignore a stop sign due to a lack of familiarity with the area or poor visibility and collide with the side of another vehicle.

Who Could Be at Fault for a T-Bone Accident?

Determining liability for a side-impact crash can be highly complex. Potentially at-fault parties may include:

  • The driver of one of the involved vehicles, due to traffic law violations, distraction, intoxication, or other negligent behavior
  • The manufacturer of a defective vehicle part that contributed to the wreck
  • Government entities responsible for designing and maintaining the intersection or roadway where the crash occurred
  • Employers of at-fault drivers who were on the job at the time of the collision

These complexities are why working with a knowledgeable Maryland broadside collision lawyer after a crash is so critical. A skilled attorney can conduct an independent investigation to determine how the accident happened and who should be held liable.  

How Our Lawyers Help People Hurt in Maryland Side-Impact Crashes

In addition to investigating the accident, handling communications with the insurance company, and protecting your rights at trial if necessary, the team at Cohen & Dwin, P.A. offers compassionate support for all aspects of your post-accident life. We understand the physical, financial, and emotional demands you are facing and can connect you with the necessary resources to get your life back on track. 

Our longstanding mission has been to help injured Marylanders obtain the best possible results after a crash. Let our car accident attorneys fight aggressively to secure compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life. Call us at (410) 593-1590 or contact us today for more information about our T-bone crash legal services. There’s no charge for your first consultation.