Time to Start Making Summer Plans
By Cohen & Dwin, P.A. on January 23, 2019 | In Family Law
Despite the current cold-snap, now is the perfect time to start discussing summer vacation plans and other child-related issues with your co-parent. Squaring up plans now can help ease the transition from school to summer for all involved parties, and help ensure everyone is able to enjoy quality time together.
While issues such as custody and parenting time are typically settled during the divorce process, many co-parents are willing to work with each other during the less structured summer months to come up with a plan that suits everyone’s needs. However, working together is not always possible and when issues arise it is often best to discuss your concerns with an experienced family law attorney before things get heated.
The family law attorneys at Cohen & Dwin understand the delicate nature of parenting time and custody disputes. We work to protect the parental rights of our clients. We are here to guide you through this process and help ensure you make the best legal moves for you and your family.
To schedule a free consultation with one of the Baltimore family law attorneys at Cohen & Dwin, please contact us online or by calling (800) 692-2500 today.

Cohen & Dwin, P.A. is a law firm in Owings Mills, Maryland. Our attorneys are experienced in handling cases related to personal injury, car accidents, truck accidents, criminal law, DWI, work injury, and more. Our firm assists clients in Owings Mills and surrounding areas. Contact us today for a free no-risk consultation.