Falling Objects in Work Accidents

By Andrew Rodabaugh on January 23, 2019
In Accidents

Numerous workers are injured each year by falling objects at the job site. Whether you work in construction, in a factory, at a warehouse, or even an office, falling objects can be a serious hazard that you don’t even think… read more

Workers’ Compensation vs. Personal Injury

By Ann Wittik-Bravmann on January 23, 2019
In Personal Injury

When you are injured on the job, it is important to understand all of your options. The Baltimore workers’ compensation lawyers at Cohen & Dwin are here to help. Working personally with you to fully understand your accident and your injuries, we… read more

Pain and Suffering Damages

By Harold Dwin on January 23, 2019
In Personal Injury

Personal injury lawsuits attempt to put a price on the priceless. Ever since the legal codes of Babylon (the most famous of which, but no longer recognized as the oldest, is the Code of Hammurabi), laws have tried to ensure fair… read more

National Bike Month

By Cohen & Dwin, P.A. on January 23, 2019
In Personal Injury

May is National Bike Month, established by the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) in an effort to increase public awareness of the benefits offered by cycling. Earlier this month, the LAB also released its 2015 Bicycle Friendly State rankings, ranking… read more

Evaluating Damages for Pain and Suffering

By Harold Dwin on January 23, 2019
In Personal Injury

If you have been injured due to the negligent actions of another person or party, you deserve compensation. However, not all personal injury victims will receive the same amount of compensation for pain and suffering. This isn’t because they do not deserve… read more

Time to Start Making Summer Plans

By Cohen & Dwin, P.A. on January 23, 2019
In Family Law

Despite the current cold-snap, now is the perfect time to start discussing summer vacation plans and other child-related issues with your co-parent. Squaring up plans now can help ease the transition from school to summer for all involved parties, and… read more

Reducing Damage from TBI

By Harold Dwin on January 23, 2019
In Burn Injury

According to a new study from Johns Hopkins, people with a higher level of education may recover more rapidly from traumatic brain injury. While the exact reasons for this are unknown, lead author of the study, Eric Schneider, believes the answer… read more

Fire Prevention Week

By Cohen & Dwin, P.A. on January 23, 2019
In Burn Injury

October 7th-14th is Fire Prevention Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness of the leading causes of fire and reducing instances of burn injury. According to the National Fire Prevention Agency (NFPA), cooking equipment catching fire is the leading cause of… read more

Workplace Deaths

By Ioana David on January 23, 2019
In Workers' Compensation

For all the advances we’ve made in technologies and techniques for protecting workers, workplace deaths remain a significant fact of life. Every day, 13 people go to work and never come home, killed in a workplace accident. Although overall workplace… read more

Workplace Accidents and Teens

By Harold Dwin on January 23, 2019
In Workers' Compensation

In summer, many of our kids are out looking for work so they can get a car, fill the tank, and go out with their friends or girlfriend/boyfriend. As much as we would like to keep our children under our… read more