March is Brain Injury Awareness Month
By Harold Dwin on September 6, 2017 | In Burn Injury
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, a month dedicated to awareness campaigns that can help the general population better understand the struggles faced by those who have sustained traumatic brain injury. More than educating the public, Brain Injury Awareness Month is designed to help victims of this injury understand that there is a network of support they can tap into. In fact, the theme of 2015’s campaign is Not Alone.
The Baltimore personal injury attorneys at Cohen & Dwin support the Brain Injury Association of America in their efforts this and all other months of the year. We also know that victims of brain injury deserve swift and effective legal representation and are here to help families dealing with this injury get the justice they deserve.
Brain injury may result from a number of accidents, but its consequences are often the same. Difficulties working, medical and rehabilitation expenses, home modifications, and untold amounts of personal pain and suffering can all accompany this injury. And all of this without any guarantee of full recovery. When you sustain a brain injury due to someone else’s actions, you are entitled to hold that party accountable and seek compensation for damages well in excess of insurance company settlements.
If you are in need of a brain injury attorney in Baltimore or surrounding areas, please contact Cohen & Dwin for a free consultation. We maintain offices throughout Maryland to better serve victims of personal injury in all areas of our state.

Attorney Harold P. Dwin, co-founder of Baltimore premier law firm Cohen & Dwin, P.A., is proud to be able to help clients in need by simplifying complex legal matters and solving legal problems that cause immeasurable stress.