Can I be Arrested for Turning Around When I See a Checkpoint?
By Harold Dwin on February 15, 2018 | In Criminal Law
In the state of Maryland, you cannot be arrested for turning around when you see a DUI checkpoint. However, turning around may rouse suspicion and, if it is determined you have violated a traffic law in doing so, officers may have probable cause to pull you over and perform field sobriety tests.
DUI checkpoints become more common in the summer months, particularly around holidays like the 4th of July. Remember, the location of checkpoints must be announced publically before they take place and signs must be posted to notify drivers of the event. Avoiding checkpoints eliminates the need to decide whether or not to turn around when you see one.
Know Your Rights
If you enter a checkpoint and are charged with DUI/DWI, you will want an experienced Maryland criminal defense attorney on your side right away. Remember, a charge is not a conviction and there are any number of circumstances that can influence the final charges you face. The Maryland DUI attorneys at Cohen & Dwin are here to protect your rights and help you reduce or completely beat your charges.
If you have been charged with DUI in Maryland, please contact Cohen & Dwin, P.A. today to schedule a consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Attorney Harold P. Dwin, co-founder of Baltimore premier law firm Cohen & Dwin, P.A., is proud to be able to help clients in need by simplifying complex legal matters and solving legal problems that cause immeasurable stress.